Sunday, 24 April 2011

Crocodile In Zoo Bites Off Veterinarian's Arm!

In this older 2007 news story a zookeeper in Taiwan lost his left forearm to a Nile Crocodile. An extreme example of one of those lessons learned the hard way. Veterinarian Chang Po-Yu had shot a tranquilizing dart into the 440 pound beast. Reaching through the bars of the cage he did not realize that the croc was not totally anesthetized and in an instant the animal had bitten off the doctor's arm.
In the image above the arm looks almost fake. It is real. Amazing that it looks totally relaxed, a loose fist clenched as it rests between those horrible teeth.
As Dr. Po-Yu drifted in and out of consciousness on his way to the hospital, workers at the Shaoshan zoo in the southern city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan shot the crocodile twice. Either the crocodile is tougher than we think or their weapons are not much to speak of, but the bullets simply bounced off the hide, failing to penetrate. They did stun the animal who then dropped the limb enabling them to retrieve it.
That's probably the best all around outcome as the crocodile was simply behaving as crocodiles do, as every zookeeper would know.

Amazingly after seven hours of surgery medical doctors were able to attach the vet's arm and he recuperated.
I wonder if Dr. Po-Yo can now be found in the kiddie zoo inoculating goats and rabbits?

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